Thursday, May 29, 2008

40 weeks and 1 day later...

The arrival of Colten Porter Elliott...9 lbs 2 oz 21inches long! He graced us with his presence May 24th at 1:05pm. I was SO excited to FINALLY have my little baby boy! And let me tell you the wait and sleepless nights were well worth it! Even though the sleepless nights have continued...

Colten already found his hands...they are way better then a pacifier...not that mommy agrees. I'm hoping we can break him of that habit. So far he really likes the back of his hands i guess it could be worse right?

Daddy with his baby boy and couldn't be happier! He spends a lot of time holding and trying to play with him. Eric already wants him big enough so he can have a fishing buddy. Hmm i think it will be a while for that. Sorry daddy!

Ah taking a nap one of his favorite things to do other then eating and pooping!

Well we are all home and doing ok, Colten has a little bit of jaundice so we have to go to the hospital every morning to get tested. He doesn't so much care for them pricking his little foot to get a blood sample. I can't seem to blame him i would hate it too! In fact i hate just watching them do it. It's all i can do to just grab him and run from the mean nurse.

Well other then that things are going good we are all trying to adjust to the new addition.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Ok so as most of you all know...I'm not a HUGE reader...BUT can i tell you i sure don't mind listening to a good book with my commute and all it seems to help a lot. But the search for finding a good book that will catch my interest really takes a lot. The search has ended. I have a group of friends and we get together and all they were talking about was this guy Edward. Me being the nosy person that i am had to find out what they were all goo goo for....come to find out a vampire in a book...WHO reads about vampires? So after a few times of hearing them talk back and forth about a book i had to investigate....mind you I'm not a reader and i wasn't about to buy the cds, BUT i was in luck, my sister rented the cds from the library. So i borrowed the first book from her when she was done...

And i was HOOKED! Who knew i would like a book with Vampires! BUT I DO! So after finishing the Twilight that i HAD to get the 2nd one....But the wait for it at my library was just too much and My sister Mandy was already on the list for the 2nd and 3rd ones at hers so i had to patiently wait until she got it and listened to I'm sure impatient!

and of course that one leaves you hanging and wanting the next one....Good thing i got both from her at the same time...i just went on to the 3rd one after finishing "New Moon"

Well i finished this one over the weekend, Yes i spent a Wonderful sunny day indoors to listen to a book...keep in mind i am 39 weeks prego and get really HOT! So spending my day in the great indoors was sounding a lot more inviting!

Well and as you have guessed it i am on the edge of my seat wanting to listen to the forth and final glitch in this it doesn't come out until Aug 2nd. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? MAN! Well so I'm i pre-order this one so i can get it right when it comes out or do i wait and try to get on the list at the library. The wait for the 2nd and 3rd one was just too much. i think I'm going to have to buy it and then eventually i think I'll buy the others so i can have them all. hmm yep i think I'm going to have to do that... still thinking about it though.

THE TOPPER...They are making a movie of the first book Twilight, It comes out in December!

AH man! more waiting! Good thing I'll have a little one to keep me busy!

Speaking of DONE!!!

OK I've reached my limit! I'M DONE! OK i only have a week until my due date, well less then that more like 4 days,(I'm due this Friday 5/23) but this kid just doesn't seem like he wants out! Little does he know...I'M DONE!!!! I want my body back! And i know he's just getting bigger and bigger! I really think that sometimes I'm going to have 20lbs baby! OK but really i wouldn't be surprise if he's 10lbs. Well i guess wish me luck! hopefully the next time i get to write I'll be writing about my wonderful baby boy!!!

YEAH Bath time!

Ready or not here I come!