Monday, October 27, 2008

It's official...i'm a DORK

Well the tickets for the new Twilight movie that comes out Nov 21st went on sale last Wednesday. AND guess who already has tickets for the midnight showing on Nov 20th. That's right ME!!! and I'm not alone a few of my friends and family member are joining me in this craziness! And I'm even going to work the next day. Some of you night owls may think on no big deal i do it all the time. Let me remind you of my age and my little Colten. I am soon approaching the big 28 in 2 weekish and I'm just not as fun as i used to be i guess. I go to bed anywhere from 9:30-10 OK and sometimes earlier depending on how much sleep Colten let me have the night before. But I'm WAY excited for this movie so I'm going to do the midnight movie!!!! woo hoo! I guess I'll just have to take a nap before so I can make it! hehehe


Anonymous said...

wasn't that already official?!

Krista said...

i guess it always has been but i think now i'm coming to terms with it! hahaha

Happy-Hardings said...

I haven't read the books yet (I know I'm behind the times) but I saw a funny shirt that said "Bite Me...Edward only please"

YEAH Bath time!

Ready or not here I come!