Monday, June 16, 2008

3 Weeks old...

I can't believe it time has gone by really fast! Colten is already 3 weeks old!!! AND he was already up to 10lbs 4 oz at his 2 week appointment! Well he has been doing really good. He is still just eating, pooping and sleeping...the sleeping is my favorite right now. Only cuz i can get things done. BUT i do love it when he decides to stay awake and play! ok not so much play but look around. We are working on the playing bit.

Well it was our 1st Father's DAY! So I decided to take Colten down to Kiddie Kandids to get some pictures taken for Eric for fathers day...and can you believe it...Colten was awake for the whole thing!!! Man he looks like a little Eric..

He would not look up for the life of him when we were trying to take this one. Oh well what can you do with a little guy that can't really see past 12" right?
Eric didn't know we took the pictures so it was a nice little surprise for him and now he can have them at work to show off his little guy!
Maybe next time Colten will be a little less grumpy looking once he learns how to smile and look at mommy!


Anonymous said...

WOW, he totally does look like Eric. I hear I get to see you tomorrow :)

erica said...

aww he's so sweet!

brandi said...

WOW! he is really adorable!!!

CandiSe said...

Man! What a cutie! We are so excited to see you in a few days!

* said...

He is so so so cute! I'm sad it can't be there for the baby blessing.

YEAH Bath time!

Ready or not here I come!