Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Our first Family Trip with Colten....

Well as of yesterday Colten and I will be joining the motorcycle trip to CA to the redwood forest. We however not on the bike, will be joining my sister, CandiSe and her fam in the van and follow Eric on his bike, Pop-pop & Grammy on their bike and Justin on his new bike. (he just bought it on EBay last weekend). We planned the trip last year to take a bike ride out to the redwood forest but that was all before i got prego.

Hmm how do i pack for this little guy...i will need A LOT of diapers, onesies and plenty of burp cloths...i may have to buy some more just to have enough on the trip. I'm going to need a big bag just for for all of his stuff.

Anyway we plan on leaving Sunday after his blessing...yes that's right he is getting blessed this Sunday at 9 am! We are going to have a light lunch and then pack up and head out! I just can't wait!


Tara said...

Hi Krista,
I found you off of Brandi's Blog. Colten is so dang cute and congratulations. Glad to have found you and your cute family. You can check us out at tandmbeckstead.blogpot.com


Christy said...

i am totally jealous of your trip! I am glad you are taking him - most new moms would wuss out, but now you baby!! You are awesome :)

ps - kelly didn't fit in the dress, but just barely. she is going to keep working out to see if she can get into it so that she saves money...

brandi said...

brave momma! Have fun on the trip. Sounds like quite an adventure, be sure to post about it when you get back!

Payne Family said...

Yea!! I am so glad you found me and I am glad you blog. Congrats on the cute little guy. I am really sorry you had to be prego so long, but I am sure it was totally worth it. Well life look lie it is really good I will keep checking in on ya.

erica said...

aww i love the slide show...he's so sweet!

Lora said...

I love the redwoods! David and I went there last September, loved it! Wish we could go back.

And I tagged you. Check out my blog to see with what you are tagged.
take care!

* said...

I looked at pictures of your trip on Mum blog, it looks so super fun. There are a couple of websites I like to get really cute templates from. They are free and very easy, http://onecuteblog.blogspot.com/

YEAH Bath time!

Ready or not here I come!